To have best purchasing experience please send your car VIN number before making an order so we could check the product compatibility and avoid expensive returns
If you would like to return a product for a refund within 14 days of receipt, please contact our support team with your order number. The following criteria must be met to qualify for a refund within 14 calendar days from the date you receive the purchase. If you want to return your purchase, please know that the time period begins the day you receive your product.
- Only regular priced items may be returned.
- Product must be unopened.
- Product must be never programmed.
- Product must be in original packaging.
- Product must be unused.
- Product must not be damaged.
- Like-new condition.
Please note that a restocking fee (approximately 20% depending on product) will be due, to cover our shipping and order preparation costs and PayPal fees. If a product is returned to us with missing packaging or if any of the product’s equipment is absent, such as looms, remote controls, or instruction manuals, the customer will be charged the appropriate fee for the extent of the damage and/or loss.
Before returning any items, you’ll need to obtain a Returns Number from us either via email or telephone. All products purchased from us have a unique Order Number, which you will find on the order details. You will need to have this to hand so that we can trace the item.
You will then need to ensure that this is returned back to us within 14 days. Once we’ve received the item back from you it will be checked over to ensure everything is all ok. A refund will then be issued and you’ll receive an email to confirm this. We have 14 days to refund any monies owed to you. This will always be done via the original method you paid with. Paypal is usually instant but a Debit or Credit Card can take up to 5 – 7 working days to return.
You are responsible for return shipping of the product to our facility in Vilnius, Lithuania regardless of the reason. If the item is being exchange due to a defect within the warranty then we cover the cost of the new item being shipped to you.
Please be aware that in the case of returning any items, it is your responsibility to ensure their security and safety. If the items you return are lost or damaged during transit then you’ll be liable for all costs incurred.